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P3_ExcellenceEquity-hr . 你好,我想要卓越 & 等于一个向量. 不是3.

The Foundations of 分类的领导人hip Program provides voluntary professional development to classified staff who are committed to the inclusion of all members of a diverse 长滩 Unified community.  Support includes in-person workshops and digital, "on-the-go" resources to be completed asynchronously.  Site visits for support with implementation of resources is available.

Participants will develop an understanding of how teams and team leaders set goals, 沟通, 建立信任, 解决冲突, and provide excellent customer service.  There is an opportunity to participate in an optional workshop on job interview and application skills.

Foundations of 分类的领导人hip workshops are designed to provide coaching and leadership skills for applicants, but are not formal applications for a role or a position. 

机密领导人计划 provides voluntary professional development to classified staff who are committed to the inclusion of all members of a diverse 长滩 community.  Support includes in-person workshops and digital, "on-the-go" resources to be completed asynchronously.  Site visits for support with implementation of resources are available.

Participants will develop a personal vision, 任务, and "brand" as well as explore the applications of those skills in the context of their site, 分支, 或部门.  Workshops will also provide training in two types of coaching skills.  Participants will also learn how to motivate teams to set goals, 沟通, 保持信任, 解决冲突, and provide excellent customer service. Job interview and application skills will be covered.

分类的领导人 workshops are designed to provide coaching and leadership skills for applicants, but are not formal applications for a role or a position.

The 高级机密领导人 Program provides voluntary professional development to classified staff who are committed to the inclusion of all members of a diverse 长滩 community.  This opportunity is available only to graduates of the Aspiring Human Resource Leaders or Business Leaders programs. 

Support includes in-person workshops and digital, "on-the-go" resources to be completed asynchronously.  Site visits for support with implementation of resources are available.  Participants will develop a personal vision, 任务, and "brand".  They will implement two types of coaching.  Participants will also learn how to develop two-way systems of communication with stakeholders, as well as demonstrate an understanding of how to build capacity within teams.  Workshops will also include strategies on building systems for conflict resolution and celebration within a team. Job interview skills will be covered.

高级机密领导人 workshops are designed to provide coaching and leadership skills for applicants, but are not formal applications for a role or a position.